Homita - 晚安曲| 微涼的秋天,你想起了誰?


晚安曲| 微涼的秋天,你想起了誰?
曲 Music  |  by  |  6 years ago   



Image result for ed sheeran live

Autumn Leaves 

Singer: Ed Sheeran.

Another day, another life
Passes by just like mine
It's not complicated

Another mind, another soul
Another body to grow old
It's not complicated

Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?
Float down
Like autumn leaves
And hush now
Close your eyes before the sleep
And you're miles away
And yesterday you were here with me

Another tear, another cry
Another place for us to die
It's not complicated

Another love that's gone to waste
Another light lost from your face
It's complicated

Is it that it's over or do birds still sing for you?
Float down
Like autumn leaves
And hush now
Close your eyes before the sleep
And you're miles away
And yesterday you were here with me

Ooh how I miss you
My symphony played the song that carried you out
Ooh how I miss you
And I, I miss you and I wish you'd stay

Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you?
Float down
Like autumn leaves
And hush now
Close your eyes before the sleep
And you're miles away
And yesterday you were here with me

Ooh oh, ooh oh
Ooh oh, ooh oh

Touch down
Like a seven four seven
Stay out and we'll live forever now

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